My Poetry Collection

4-21-08: "Untitled"
This heart that beats inside of me is waiting for your touch
A glimpse of you would ease the ache existing in my soul
Mi amour, where are you?
Why is your path not crossing my own?
Don't you see that I am the one to walk this earth with you
I am the complement to your heart, the guardian of your soul
When my eyes close I dream of only you
Your face is hidden from me
But your warmth is overwhelming my senses
Have you lost your way on your journey to me
Don't you hear my soul calling out to yours
I am guiding you towards me
Come quickly, for I cannot wait much longer
It feels like centuries are passing by
Each moment that I am without you
We are two fates entangled in one destiny
I look up at the sky and wish for you to be by my side
When we meet, let us never part again
For we shall be forever and always a pair

4-23-08: The melody of the sun
The waves crash around me
Leaving me submerged underneath
I am breathless and unable to surface
The dark water hides my soul
The chains keep pulling me further and further into that dark abyss
I am sinking from the weight of these burdens
Suddenly, I hear the melody of the sun
It starts playing softly in my ear, and as it gets louder
I begin to rise
I begin to float towards the warm light
The music embraced my heart and healed it
Walking alongside the shore
I look up into the deep blue sky
The sun is shining down on me
Cleansing me from the inside out
I take a deep breath, in and out, in and out
It is then that I find my liberation
The freedom that I desperately sought from this world
Closing my eyes I stand up, sink my feet into the sand
I begin to walk towards the fading sun
No longer fearing the darkness around me
Even in those moments, there will always be
A light to guide me towards my dream
The melody of the sun plays in my heart
Chasing away any lingering shadows

7-24-08: Soulless
A storm is brewing inside of me
The tears flow from my soul
Only to splatter against my cheeks
Leaving me empty and cold
I am alone in this misery
My heart is shattered
Each piece drenched in sadness
My life is an abyss of torment
I had a dream filled with light
Nightmares have become my shadow
I am haunted by my demons
Afraid to meet tomorrow

Untitled 10/4/08
My heart races towards you
Each step bringing our paths closer
I waited this long for you and now my wait is over
We are two people divided only by distance
Time has opened my eyes and my soul
I welcome you with a smile
I close my eyes and your face fills my dreams
Stay by my side always and lets travel this world together
Thank you for loving me for who I am
My blessings exist with you
I am inspired by you
Love shall always be kind to our path
May our stars shine brightly in the night sky
Our warmth linger with the sunrise
We are always and forever
Two of a kind

1/03/09: Oh! Heavenly Dreams
Lying in the softness of clouds
My eyes shut out the darkness of the world
Leaving my soul to float away towards Heavenly dreams
With wings I soar through the endless possibilities

Catching a glimpse of happiness along the way
The gust strengthens against me---and I fall
Faster and faster towards the earth
Farther and farther from my heavenly dreams

The blanket of clouds fades into nothingness
I crash into the world, cold and alone
Where is this place?
There is so much sadness here

I kneel and pray for wings to fly freely from this world
Dear God, won't you give me wings to fly towards liberation...
To feel the rush of the wind against my soul
To lie in the coolness of the clouds

To be in your midst---a place of safety and peace
Suddenly, I feel this warm presence all around me
Seeping into my body, cleansing me, and healing me
I feel my body transforming and the sweetest sound soothes my ears

My wings! I stand and my feet no longer touch the earth
Once again I head towards my Heavenly dreams
Knowing, that future lies in one of them
I smile as I feel the pressure of my Father's hand

He is with me; guiding, protecting, and believing in me
My Heavenly Father and my Heavenly dreams are waiting for me
With that, I take a deep breath and fly faster and faster towards my destiny
Farther and farther I move towards my fate, on wings of courage

01-16-08: Thundering Soul
My stomach is tied in knots of frustration
While my heart beats painfully against my chest
As my breathing becomes more and more labored
It is in moments like this that I wish for him
That person who will be my shield
Protecting me from the darkness of this earth
I wish to be held tightly
Sinking into his warmth
Knowing that I won't have to face this war alone
I wish for his hand
To wipe away my tears
I wish for his wisdom
To ease the chaos in my head
My soul is thundering inside of me
Waiting for the storm to pass
And the calm to appear
I am drained of all my energy
When will it get better
I asked for blessings
Will they be mine to have?

6/22/09: Bloom
If we are all flowers on this earth
Then I have yet to bloom
If I knew the answer
Would  that question exist?
All the other flowers have shown the world their beauty
But mine has yet to unfold
Is it that my beauty is non-existent?
Is it that there is ugliness instead living inside me?
It is because no one has watered me
No one has places me in the sun
That light has not reach me
Therefore, my petals don't bloom
He hasn't found me yet
That person who's eyes were meant to look upon me
To see that in this delicate flower lies me
I am a person only visible to him
Isn't that what love is?
If everyone could see my beauty
Would that be love?
Love is meant for that other person
That person who gives you a reason to bloom
That one person who sees you?
Sees what?
My beauty
My heart
My dreams
That the sun and the rain
To this flower that person brings life
That person makes me warm and safe
That person makes me want to bloom
So he can see my beauty

07/18/09: Together
Hold my hand
Let me intertwine my fingers
With yours
Let us walk down the road
I want to feel your presence
By my side
I want to see my smile
Reflected in your eyes
Knowing that where I go
You go
Hold me close and never
Let me Go
Be my lover and
My friend
Lets share our burdens
Double our triumphs
Open our hearts to find

All by Lola O. (Various dates)
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