Untitled 2
I never believed in love at first sight
That I could experience that electric feeling
Of bittersweet hunger and need
Then our eyes connected
My pulse raced under my skin
Like a secret kiss between lovers
You stood there unmoving
As my whole world crumbled in your presence
The earth shook but no one else noticed
I headed towards you as if pulled by some invisible force
My heart was speeding up to a climax
You smiled and walked towards me
My breathe was coming in short bursts
I was being engulfed in flames of love
Then you looked past and a chill came over me
I shivered in the disconnect
Had it been my imagination?
You walked right by me as if I was invisible
I willed myself not to turn around
But my resistance was futile
I accepted my death
He stood there with his arms around another
I never believed in heartache until I saw you
My heart lies in the ashes of my soul
By Lola O. 9/29/09
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