What We'll Never Be...
I sit here in the darkness
Listening to songs that remind me of you
I know that we can't go back to those days
The ones where we shared time together
You and I have changed from our younger selves
I didn't want to accept that I had to let you go
Because deep down I don't want to
I keep saying this will be the last time
My reserve fades away with every memory
Of who you've always been to me
I'm foolish, so very very foolish
We all know my emotions get the best of me
I keep trembling when it comes to you
Even so, I have no regrets
This is what living is about
I'm not afraid to risk anymore
I know the rewards and consequences
I'm afraid of never trying, never being honest
Growing old with bitterness as my companion
Even when I stumble, even when I hurt
I'll live knowing I gave it my best, I gave it my all
I have to say goodbye to you
We live in separate worlds now
I thought I could live in yours or you could live in mine
I was dreaming and now I'm awake
Facing the reality of what is and what will never be
I still see you when I close my eyes
Memories living inside of me
I don't regret taking a chance
No more what ifs or could be's
Now I know it was only me that felt more
That hurts, but over time it will heal
I won't live wondering or wishing
I'll move on someday and find mutual love
You'll always be my first taste
I hope you know deep down in your soul
The beauty and light that is you
I felt blessed every moment I had with you
Even now, I'm glad we met
I'm thankful that for a while you and I
Filled pages of time together
I won't wait for you anymore
I know I have to let you go
I don't want to forget you
I wish things were different
My heart hurts so much these days
Tears keep overflowing down my face
I know I have to let you go
I just don't want to...
By: Lola O.
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